I have to remind myself to actively present and be the omwan I wihs to be. That's the only hold back from transofmring into who I want to become. I want to be fit, o dirnk tea and water, and read and meditate and do yoga. That's the type of woman I want to be. That's the woman I will be. I just have to become her.
People don't tell you that. That you're capable of beocming your rolemodel, that you have more than enoug resorues to be more than that. You just have to actively become. That's Michelle Obama's point- we're always in active state of beocming. You dont grow up and when youre an dult, yoouve reached who you are. It doesn't wokr like that. Life. Time. People. We don't know notice our time periods chnaging becaause its always ahppening. So there is no magial time when you realize what you need to become who youre meant to be, because it's been your choice all along.
Ray is becoming.