A personal list of things I need to remember when I'm feeling stuck:
• I have more stamps on my passport than a majority of the people in my life.
• I am 20 years old, and all the goals I set for this season of my life have been met.
• Gettysburg has, and continues to, treat me well and like my own person. I am not a number, nor statistic here.
• There is comfort in my environment and my friends, that is not always a given.
• My brainchild, The Brown Nipple Collective, is coming to fruition and flourishing beautifully.
• I took my life back, when at one point I was truly convinced that I would never be able to.
• Everything that is bringing me down now, is only temporary and minuscule in the grand scheme of things.
• I am loved, and have the capacity to love.